Friday, October 12, 2012

Stem Cells Bring Solutions?

Broken spinal cords, rendered three particular people paralysed from chest down. These individuals underwent stem cell therapy. Neural stem cells were injected into their spinal between four and eights months prior to the accident. Additionally they had a temporary course of immunosuppressants.  Six months down the line and two of the three participants had experienced sensations between their chest and belly button. This is the first time stem cell therapy for spinal injury has yielded beneficial results. Its all very exciting!
        Going into the science of the issue, the stem cells may have several influences. They could have restored the myelin insulation in damaged nerves, improving communication between areas of the body and the brain. Another possibility is that function of the present nerves was improved upon on the other hand they could’ve been completely replaced. Another thing the stem cells could’ve done was reduce the inflammation of the damaged nerves, this would have made self repair much easier.
         Stem cell research has always been a topic of much controversy. I mean it poses a lot of ethical issues. The cells used in this incidence were embryonic, they came from donated fetal brain tissue. One side of the debate, asks the question is it right to ‘destroy’ something that has the potential to give life. Yet the other side argues surely the positive outcomes of the experiments (or pros) overshadow the cons?
          Separate studies show that 3% of people with spinal injury can experience miraculous improvements. . . . . . . .
          It is stem cells really at work here? I guess more in depth investigation will tell us and if it so, does this mean stem cell research will become more widely acceptable?

- New Scientist ( 8/09/12 Neutrino Issue) 

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